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Facilities Master Plan


Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the process and future goals of Alamosa School District!


In July 2023, Alamosa School District began the journey of developing a Facilities Master Plan, to serve as the framework for change and future decision making. This plan was created in collaboration with the school board, district personnel, parents and the professional planning and design team.

Letter from the Superintendent

Dear Moose Nation,

Welcome to the Facilities Master Plan webpage.  I am pleased to be able to share this important information with our stakeholders.  As members of the Alamosa community, we all share a collective assumption and expectation that our schools and facilities provide safe, conducive environments for learning, growth, and community engagement.

Over the years, our schools and facilities have served as a mainstay of our community, educating countless students and while fostering a sense of community and belongingness. However, like any infrastructure, they require regular maintenance and updates to continue serving us effectively.  With the results of the comprehensive Facilities Master Plan, we are able to reveal deferred maintenance items that may have not been uncovered without this extensive inspection.

I am writing to you today to highlight the importance of addressing facility needs and deferred maintenance across all our sites, including our transportation facility. This is not merely about maintaining bricks and mortar; it's about investing in the future of our community and the well-being of our students and staff. 

This comprehensive Facilities Master Plan is crucial in guiding our efforts to prioritize and address these needs effectively. By identifying areas for improvement and strategically allocating resources, we can ensure that our facilities remain safe, functional, inviting, and conducive to learning for generations to come. Furthermore, addressing deferred maintenance is not just a matter of convenience; it's a matter of safety and equity. Every student deserves to learn in an environment that is free from hazards and conducive to reaching their greatest potential.

In the coming weeks and months, we will be engaging with stakeholders across our community to gather input and feedback on our Facilities Master Plan. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable in shaping the future of our schools and facilities. We want your input knowing that we must be good stewards of our resources and plan for taking care of our assets.

Together, we can ensure that our facilities continue to serve as hubs of learning, innovation, and community pride. Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to the well-being of our Alamosa School District community.


Dr. Diana Jones, Superintendent
Alamosa School District

District Priorities

The following District Priorities were established as a result of four Facilities Advisory Committee meetings and Executive Committee meetings. These meetings reviewed and analyzed multiple points of data to establish and discuss Alamosa School District needs and desires moving into the future.  The process included analyzing the needs of the District by school and properties.  Multiple solutions for each school and property were reviewed by the group and proposed solutions were established.  These solutions were then analyzed based on importance and placed by priority in that order.


These priorities and improvement projects were developed through a collaborative process with RTA, the Facilities Advisory Committee, and the Executive Committee as described above.  Each project below responds to deficiencies and needs that were identified through the research and investigation phase of the master capital planning process.

Additional information for each of the projects can be found in the Capital Projects tab of this website.