Parker Adventist Hospital Renovation & Expansion
The Parker Adventist Hospital bed wing addition was part of a strategic and comprehensive hospital-wide expansion and renovation in order to meet the Town of Parker’s growing community needs. The goal of the addition was to utilize proven evidence-based design (EBD) concepts that integrated the organization’s core values of patient-focused care.
Project Details
- Square footage: 106,500
- Project cost: $28.5M
Design Details
- Expanded and remodeled kitchen, dining area, and cafeteria
- Multipurpose medical education suite
- Decentralized nursing alcoves
- Administrative offices
- 16 private ICU patient rooms
- 14 private surgical rooms
- Lower lobby shelled for future expansion
The new facility created by RTA promotes healing and optimal health. A decentralized nursing concept (nursing alcoves) provides direct visual access to caregivers and quick access to patients in emergencies, fostering better communication among the staff. Peaceful environments for both patients and staff were created through abundant sunlight, comfortable finishes and furnishings, calming colors, art, music, meditation spaces for the family, and a healing garden.
Four guiding objectives that led the design team and validated design decisions were: 1) improving the medical outcomes for the patient; 2) acknowledging that family members are an integral part of the healing process by centering the unit on the patient and the family; 3) allowing caregivers to maximize their time at the bedside; and 4) providing support for caregivers to rest and decompress. By placing special attention on the integration of family in patient care, improved caregiver communication and workflow for the staff and physicians was achieved.