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Newton Middle School

Littleton, Colorado

"The Newton Middle School replacement project is the flagship project for the LPS 2018 Bond Program and is LPS’s first replacement school in several decades. As the most high-profile project within the Bond, it was often used by LPS as a barometer for the overall status of the Bond program. RTA’s leadership through the community engagement and programming process set the tone for this project. They were always prepared for meetings, thoughtful and respectful through their interactions with stakeholders, and responsive to questions or comments. RTA took the time to understand LPS’s culture, needs, and goals for the school. They took detailed notes that allowed them to synthesize a dynamic vision for LPS’s 21st century learning environments that ultimately exceeded all our expectations. I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to RTA Architects for their inspired design and outstanding performance on this project.”

Liz Munn, Deputy Program Director, Jacobs (Owner’s Representative for Littleton Public Schools)


Connecting through experience of place.

As part of the 2018 Bond Program, Littleton Public Schools (LPS) identified the need to build a new middle school facility on the current Newton Middle School site. The new school replaces the original deficient structure, resolves ADA issues, and provides the appropriate space for small and large group instruction, creativity and innovation.


Ever curious. Ever learning. Ever improving.

The design concept was developed through utilizing the Design Advisory Group (DAG) process and established Littleton Public Schools goals and vision for the project. The DAG was comprised of 29 members representing community members, parents, teachers, District staff, and the design team. DAG and User Group meetings, numbering nearly 20, enabled the community and District to provide vital input throughout the design process.The design concept was developed through utilizing the Design Advisory Group (DAG) process and established Littleton Public Schools goals and vision for the project.

The DAG identified the importance of group spaces and the need for outdoor student spaces. To create opportunities for group meeting areas and create a multi-purpose space, the design incorporates classroom pods with flex breakout spaces, a learning stair, maker spaces, and larger than standard classrooms to accommodate varied learning modes. The unique design concept includes outdoor areas directly adjacent to the interior flex breakout and STEM spaces with large openings to allow projects to be moved outdoors.


Purposeful, engaging solutions.

The design also includes space for the district’s NOVA and BEST programs, which serves K-12 students with special social and emotional needs and students with autism. This “school within a school” features a separate entrance, secure rooms, quiet spaces, and a fenced playground for younger students. 

Health and physical activity are prevalent themes in the new school. The new Newton Middle School features athletic facilities rarely found in a middle school including an indoor rock-climbing gym, a full fitness center, four basketball courts, and an indoor running track. 

A new junior stadium is also being built on the Newton campus. It will provide additional playable surfaces for students in both District-sponsored junior varsity and varsity sports as well as club sports in the community. The new junior stadium will be completed in 2023.

Project Details

  • 160,000 sf
  • $69.5M (school and stadium)

Design Details

  • Collaborative design process with nearly 20 DAG and User Group meetings
  • Outdoor learning spaces, group learning spaces
  • Spaces for NOVA and BEST Programs
  • 21st Century educational environments with flexible furnishings
  • Extensive daylighting
  • High performance mechanical systems
  • Art, STEM labs, and CTE production lab
  • Cafetorium and learning stair combination
  • State-of-the-art athletics facilities
  • New junior stadium and playing fields
  • Photography by David Lauer Photography


  • 2021 Architectural Portfolio Design Competition, Outstanding Design - Middle School, presented by American School & University