Littleton High School Renovation
Littleton Public Schools retained RTA to assist Littleton High School (LHS) in defining and prioritizing the school's needs for renovations to their gym, auditorium, stadium, and Applied Technology Program.
High Schools
Project Details
- Square footage:
- 3,600 sf addition
- 259,000 sf renovation
- Project cost: $5.093M
Design Details
- High performance weight training and agility center
- Flexible classroom space
- Reorganization of Applied Technology program
- Stadium improvements
- Extensive technology infrastructure upgrades
- Auditorium updates including accessibility, enhanced acoustics, lighting and finish upgrades
The new, state-of-the-art science high performance weight training and agility center is located in a high visibility location to showcase LHS athletics. The reorganization of the Applied Technology Program included code and programmatic enhancements in the wood shop and the creation of a flexible technology classroom to support pre-engineering programs. The stadium work included concrete rehabilitation at the bleachers, field drainage improvements, fencing replacement, and the construction of an extensive ramp to provide an accessible route to the field from the school. The final scope element included a full renovation of the auditorium to address acoustics, lighting, accessibility and finish upgrades.
"RTA takes the time to care and hear what the customer’s needs are and brings thoughtful solutions for considerations.”
Through a highly collaborative design process, the scope was changed from a small gymnasium addition to a weight and training room addition and a reorganization of the wrestling room. The result was a high performance center that accommodates weight training as well as agility in a high visibility location that is a showcase for LHS athletics. The project also included a full renovation of the auditorium to address acoustics, lighting, accessibility and finish upgrades. The third major scope element included the reorganization of the Applied Technology Program.