Hinkley High School Renovation & Addition
After completing the original addition and renovation of Hinkly High School in 2007, RTA was again retained by Aurora Public Schools to design a classroom addition and building renewal to enable the school to meet the needs of their growing population.
High Schools
Project Details
- Square footage:
- 14,000 sf addition
- 11,000 sf renovation
- Project cost: $7.5M
Design Details
- Eight-classroom addition including biomedical, engineering, fabrication, and science labs and two classrooms
- Collaborative design with DAG and the District
- Mechanical repairs
- Security upgrades
- Online School remodel
- Building renewal
- Instructional technology equipment renewal
- LEED®/Sustainability principles
- Flexible learning environments
The design provides a solution for the security of the courtyard, ties circulation together at the north end of the building to improve functionality, and provides spaces for the career pathway programs including bio medical, engineering, and science classes.The renovations and addition include an eight-classroom addition, replacement of boilers and RTUs at the pool area, and renewal which includes security cameras, locker replacement, locker room floor replacement, and auditorium acoustic and A/V improvements.
RTA conducted several DAG meetings and collaborated closely with the District to determine the appropriate strategy and location for the classroom addition.