Carbonate Street Early Childhood Center

Buena Vista, Colorado

RTA was retained by Fading West to design the core and shell for a new early childhood center adjacent to two future apartment buildings in Buena Vista. The Carbonate Street center will offer a convenient and accessible childcare solution for residents.

 Early Childhood Education

Project Details

Size: 4,506 SF

Design Details

  • Collaborative design process
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In a collaborative effort with the developer, RTA developed multiple layouts and concepts. These were carefully reviewed with Fading West to select the option that best aligned with their needs and vision.

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The chosen exterior design draws inspiration from Buena Vista, seamlessly blending with the surrounding environment. The color scheme features colorful hues that are suitable for a childhood center while harmonizing with the color palette of the adjacent apartments.

RTA logo
◆  Architecture
■  Master Planning
●  Interior Design
19 South Tejon Street, Suite 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 471-7566